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What is Lewy Body Dementia

There are many neurodegenerative diseases that involve loss of memory and cognitive abilities (dementia). The best known is Alzheimer’s, but not the only one. What is the difference between dementia, Alzheimer’s, Lewy bodies, and Parkinson’s? All of them are diseases that are related between each other.

Among the named pathologies, Lewy Syndrome or Lewy Body dementia is the least known, although its incidence in the population is not high. Here, Mark Berger Chicago explains more about Lewy Body Dementia.

What is Lewy Body Dementia?

Lewy body dementia is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. It is a fairly common type of dementia, along with Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. The age of onset of the first symptoms is usually after 50 years.

Mark Berger Chicago indicates that Lewy Body Dementia is hereditary, so having a relative with this disease is a risk factor for suffering from it.

Symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia

Memory loss and cognitive impairment: It is difficult for the patient to perform mental functions such as reasoning, speech, memory, concentration, and spatial perception. Over time, this makes it difficult for you to follow your daily routines without help from a caregiver.

Difficulties in mobility: The person has trouble walking, tremors, muscle stiffness, and even spasms. The symptoms are the same as those of Parkinson’s.

Emotional disorders: Pictures of depression, anxiety, sadness, apathy and lack of motivation appear. Pictures of aggressiveness may even appear.

Hallucinations: This symptom is also present in Alzheimer’s. Sometimes one of the initial symptoms of Lewy Body disease are visual, olfactory and auditory hallucinations, sometimes even related to touch.

Atypical behaviors during sleep: Specifically, during the REM phase is when people with this type of cognitive impairment have changes in their behavior. They act as if the dream were reality, vivid dreams, they talk in their sleep and they can even fall out of bed. There are cases in which this is an initial symptom and appears years before the other symptoms, so it has not been related to the original cause for a long time.

Autonomic dysfunction: This causes in the patient a poor regulation of body temperature, sweating, and instability in blood pressure.

Lewy Body Dementia Treatment

Lewy body disease has no cure. Today, as in other types of cognitive impairment, the symptoms can only be treated to make them milder and extend the well-being of the person suffering from Lewy disease.

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